Apex Performance & Chiropractic

Active Release Technique (ART)

Active Release Technique (ART)

A woman receives active release technique massage on her left leg from a chiropractor.

At Apex Performance and Chiropractic, we tailor your treatment plan to your specific set of symptoms. One of the techniques we might incorporate into your plan is the Active Release Technique (ART). ART is a specific treatment that treats your body’s soft tissue through a combination of both manipulation and movement. We are ART Certified Providers and have received specialized training to be able to provide this treatment to those who would benefit from its unique offerings.

Let’s tackle some of the most frequent questions that we receive about the Active Release Technique (ART):

What is ART?

ART stands for Active Release Technique. This is the gold standard of soft tissue mobilization. There are specific protocols put in place by the founders of this technique that address every individual muscle, tendon, ligament, and joint capsule. The idea behind ART is to maneuver soft tissue from its specific structure from its shortened length to full elongation under appropriate depth and tension. 

What pain does ART treat?

ART can be used on individuals with acute pain (i.e. tears, sprains), chronic pain (i.e. lower back pain), pain from repetitive strain injuries, and post-operative cases.

Do you receive specific training?

Yes. To become an ART Certified Provider, you must undergo training, attend seminars and meet quality control standards set forth by the ART organization. You can find more information on their incredible work on their website: www.activerelease.com

How long is a typical ART session?

A typical Active Release Technique session is 12-15 minutes long. Each session addresses 5 to 8 muscle areas. Each area received about 3-4 passes of movement and manipulation.

How does Active Release Technique treatment differ from other therapies?

ART Certified Providers have been trained to locate the 450 anatomic structures that they treat and then palpate those structures to determine if the tissues are damaged or healthy. The ART system allows providers two distinct advantages:

  1. Determining the actual root issue, instead of focusing solely on the location of pain.
  2. Delivering effective treatment to a pin-pointed structure. 


This results in better outcomes, faster.

Does ART treatment hurt?

As with any treatment of sore muscles, some the movements used can become uncomfortable, however they should not be painful. If during your treatment you begin to feel pain instead of discomfort, it is important to tell your provider so changes can be made during the treatment. Following an ART treatment session, you may have some sore tissue that will resolve itself – similar to muscle pain following a strength training session. 

If you've seen a chiropractor before and each session feels long and involved with little results – then maybe Active Release Technique is right for you! Click below to schedule a new patient exam to get started with developing your personalized treatment plan.

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